You don't know JS notes
The compilation
Engine/Scope Conversation
function foo(a) { console.log( a ); // 2 }
foo( 2 ); Let's imagine the above exchange (which processes this code snippet) as a conversation. The conversation would go a little something like this:
Engine: Hey Scope, I have an RHS reference for foo. Ever heard of it? Scope: Why yes, I have. Compiler declared it just a second ago. He's a function. Here you go. Engine: Great, thanks! OK, I'm executing foo. Engine: Hey, Scope, I've got an LHS reference for a, ever heard of it? Scope: Why yes, I have. Compiler declared it as a formal parameter to foo just recently. Here you go. Engine: Helpful as always, Scope. Thanks again. Now, time to assign 2 to a. Engine: Hey, Scope, sorry to bother you again. I need an RHS look-up for console. Ever heard of it? Scope: No problem, Engine, this is what I do all day. Yes, I've got console. He's built-in. Here ya go. Engine: Perfect. Looking up log(..). OK, great, it's a function. Engine: Yo, Scope. Can you help me out with an RHS reference to a. I think I remember it, but just want to double-check. Scope: You're right, Engine. Same guy, hasn't changed. Here ya go. Engine: Cool. Passing the value of a, which is 2, into log(..).
Async & Performance
Note: If you run into this rare scenario, the best option is to use breakpoints in your JS debugger instead of relying on console
output. The next best option would be to force a "snapshot" of the object in question by serializing it to a string
, like with JSON.stringify(..)
Let's make a (perhaps shocking) claim: despite clearly allowing asynchronous JS code (like the timeout we just looked at), up until recently (ES6), JavaScript itself has actually never had any direct notion of asynchrony built into it.
What!? That seems like a crazy claim, right? In fact, it's quite true. The JS engine itself has never done anything more than execute a single chunk of your program at any given moment, when asked to.
"Asked to." By whom? That's the important part!
The JS engine doesn't run in isolation. It runs inside a hosting environment, which is for most developers the typical web browser. Over the last several years (but by no means exclusively), JS has expanded beyond the browser into other environments, such as servers, via things like Node.js. In fact, JavaScript gets embedded into all kinds of devices these days, from robots to lightbulbs.
But the one common "thread" (that's a not-so-subtle asynchronous joke, for what it's worth) of all these environments is that they have a mechanism in them that handles executing multiple chunks of your program over time, at each moment invoking the JS engine, called the "event loop."
In other words, the JS engine has had no innate sense of time, but has instead been an on-demand execution environment for any arbitrary snippet of JS. It's the surrounding environment that has always scheduled "events" (JS code executions).
It's important to note that setTimeout(..)
doesn't put your callback on the event loop queue. What it does is set up a timer; when the timer expires, the environment places your callback into the event loop, such that some future tick will pick it up and execute it.
What if there are already 20 items in the event loop at that moment? Your callback waits. It gets in line behind the others -- there's not normally a path for preempting the queue and skipping ahead in line. This explains why setTimeout(..)
timers may not fire with perfect temporal accuracy. You're guaranteed (roughly speaking) that your callback won't fire before the time interval you specify, but it can happen at or after that time, depending on the state of the event queue.
In JavaScript's single-threaded behavior, if foo()
runs before bar()
, the result is that a
has 42
, but if bar()
runs before foo()
the result in a
will be 41
So, the best way to think about this that I've found is that the "Job queue" is a queue hanging off the end of every tick in the event loop queue. Certain async-implied actions that may occur during a tick of the event loop will not cause a whole new event to be added to the event loop queue, but will instead add an item (aka Job) to the end of the current tick's Job queue.
It turns out that how we express asynchrony (with callbacks) in our code doesn't map very well at all to that synchronous brain planning behavior.
Can you actually imagine having a line of thinking that plans out your to-do errands like this?
"I need to go to the store, but on the way I'm sure I'll get a phone call, so 'Hi, Mom', and while she starts talking, I'll be looking up the store address on GPS, but that'll take a second to load, so I'll turn down the radio so I can hear Mom better, then I'll realize I forgot to put on a jacket and it's cold outside, but no matter, keep driving and talking to Mom, and then the seatbelt ding reminds me to buckle up, so 'Yes, Mom, I am wearing my seatbelt, I always do!'. Ah, finally the GPS got the directions, now..."
Tale of Five Callbacks
It might not be terribly obvious why this is such a big deal. Let me construct an exaggerated scenario to illustrate the hazards of trust at play.
Imagine you're a developer tasked with building out an ecommerce checkout system for a site that sells expensive TVs. You already have all the various pages of the checkout system built out just fine. On the last page, when the user clicks "confirm" to buy the TV, you need to call a third-party function (provided say by some analytics tracking company) so that the sale can be tracked.
You notice that they've provided what looks like an async tracking utility, probably for the sake of performance best practices, which means you need to pass in a callback function. In this continuation that you pass in, you will have the final code that charges the customer's credit card and displays the thank you page.
This code might look like:
Easy enough, right? You write the code, test it, everything works, and you deploy to production. Everyone's happy!
Six months go by and no issues. You've almost forgotten you even wrote that code. One morning, you're at a coffee shop before work, casually enjoying your latte, when you get a panicked call from your boss insisting you drop the coffee and rush into work right away.
When you arrive, you find out that a high-profile customer has had his credit card charged five times for the same TV, and he's understandably upset. Customer service has already issued an apology and processed a refund. But your boss demands to know how this could possibly have happened. "Don't we have tests for stuff like this!?"
You don't even remember the code you wrote. But you dig back in and start trying to find out what could have gone awry.
After digging through some logs, you come to the conclusion that the only explanation is that the analytics utility somehow, for some reason, called your callback five times instead of once. Nothing in their documentation mentions anything about this.
Frustrated, you contact customer support, who of course is as astonished as you are. They agree to escalate it to their developers, and promise to get back to you. The next day, you receive a lengthy email explaining what they found, which you promptly forward to your boss.
Apparently, the developers at the analytics company had been working on some experimental code that, under certain conditions, would retry the provided callback once per second, for five seconds, before failing with a timeout. They had never intended to push that into production, but somehow they did, and they're totally embarrassed and apologetic. They go into plenty of detail about how they've identified the breakdown and what they'll do to ensure it never happens again. Yadda, yadda.
What's next?
You talk it over with your boss, but he's not feeling particularly comfortable with the state of things. He insists, and you reluctantly agree, that you can't trust them anymore (that's what bit you), and that you'll need to figure out how to protect the checkout code from such a vulnerability again.
After some tinkering, you implement some simple ad hoc code like the following, which the team seems happy with:
Note: This should look familiar to you from Chapter 1, because we're essentially creating a latch to handle if there happen to be multiple concurrent invocations of our callback.
But then one of your QA engineers asks, "what happens if they never call the callback?" Oops. Neither of you had thought about that.
You begin to chase down the rabbit hole, and think of all the possible things that could go wrong with them calling your callback. Here's roughly the list you come up with of ways the analytics utility could misbehave:
Call the callback too early (before it's been tracked)
Call the callback too late (or never)
Call the callback too few or too many times (like the problem you encountered!)
Fail to pass along any necessary environment/parameters to your callback
Swallow any errors/exceptions that may happen
That should feel like a troubling list, because it is. You're probably slowly starting to realize that you're going to have to invent an awful lot of ad hoc logic in each and every single callback that's passed to a utility you're not positive you can trust.
Now you realize a bit more completely just how hellish "callback hell" is.
Because Promises encapsulate the time-dependent state -- waiting on the fulfillment or rejection of the underlying value -- from the outside, the Promise itself is time-independent, and thus Promises can be composed (combined) in predictable ways regardless of the timing or outcome underneath.
Moreover, once a Promise is resolved, it stays that way forever -- it becomes an immutable value at that point -- and can then be observedas many times as necessary.
Note: Because a Promise is externally immutable once resolved, it's now safe to pass that value around to any party and know that it cannot be modified accidentally or maliciously. This is especially true in relation to multiple parties observing the resolution of a Promise. It is not possible for one party to affect another party's ability to observe Promise resolution. Immutability may sound like an academic topic, but it's actually one of the most fundamental and important aspects of Promise design, and shouldn't be casually passed over.
That's one of the most powerful and important concepts to understand about Promises. With a fair amount of work, you could ad hoc create the same effects with nothing but ugly callback composition, but that's not really an effective strategy, especially because you have to do it over and over again.
Promises are an easily repeatable mechanism for encapsulating and composing future values.
Completion Event
As we just saw, an individual Promise behaves as a future value. But there's another way to think of the resolution of a Promise: as a flow-control mechanism -- a temporal this-then-that -- for two or more steps in an asynchronous task.
With callbacks, the "notification" would be our callback invoked by the task (foo(..)
). But with Promises, we turn the relationship around, and expect that we can listen for an event from foo(..)
, and when notified, proceed accordingly.
Promise Trust
We've now seen two strong analogies that explain different aspects of what Promises can do for our async code. But if we stop there, we've missed perhaps the single most important characteristic that the Promise pattern establishes: trust.
Whereas the future values and completion events analogies play out explicitly in the code patterns we've explored, it won't be entirely obvious why or how Promises are designed to solve all of the inversion of control trust issues we laid out in the "Trust Issues" section of Chapter 2. But with a little digging, we can uncover some important guarantees that restore the confidence in async coding that Chapter 2 tore down!
Let's start by reviewing the trust issues with callbacks-only coding. When you pass a callback to a utility foo(..)
, it might:
Call the callback too early
Call the callback too late (or never)
Call the callback too few or too many times
Fail to pass along any necessary environment/parameters
Swallow any errors/exceptions that may happen
The characteristics of Promises are intentionally designed to provide useful, repeatable answers to all these concerns.
Calling Too Early
Primarily, this is a concern of whether code can introduce Zalgo-like effects (see Chapter 2), where sometimes a task finishes synchronously and sometimes asynchronously, which can lead to race conditions.
Promises by definition cannot be susceptible to this concern, because even an immediately fulfilled Promise (like new Promise(function(resolve){ resolve(42); })
) cannot be observed synchronously.
That is, when you call then(..)
on a Promise, even if that Promise was already resolved, the callback you provide to then(..)
will always be called asynchronously (for more on this, refer back to "Jobs" in Chapter 1).
No more need to insert your own setTimeout(..,0)
hacks. Promises prevent Zalgo automatically.
Calling Too Late
Similar to the previous point, a Promise's then(..)
registered observation callbacks are automatically scheduled when either resolve(..)
or reject(..)
are called by the Promise creation capability. Those scheduled callbacks will predictably be fired at the next asynchronous moment (see "Jobs" in Chapter 1).
It's not possible for synchronous observation, so it's not possible for a synchronous chain of tasks to run in such a way to in effect "delay" another callback from happening as expected. That is, when a Promise is resolved, all then(..)
registered callbacks on it will be called, in order, immediately at the next asynchronous opportunity (again, see "Jobs" in Chapter 1), and nothing that happens inside of one of those callbacks can affect/delay the calling of the other callbacks.
For example:
Here, "C"
cannot interrupt and precede "B"
, by virtue of how Promises are defined to operate.
Promise Scheduling Quirks
It's important to note, though, that there are lots of nuances of scheduling where the relative ordering between callbacks chained off two separate Promises is not reliably predictable.
If two promises p1
and p2
are both already resolved, it should be true that p1.then(..); p2.then(..)
would end up calling the callback(s) for p1
before the ones for p2
. But there are subtle cases where that might not be true, such as the following:
We'll cover this more later, but as you can see, p1
is resolved not with an immediate value, but with another promise p3
which is itself resolved with the value "B"
. The specified behavior is to unwrap p3
into p1
, but asynchronously, so p1
's callback(s) are behind p2
's callback(s) in the asynchronous Job queue (see Chapter 1).
To avoid such nuanced nightmares, you should never rely on anything about the ordering/scheduling of callbacks across Promises. In fact, a good practice is not to code in such a way where the ordering of multiple callbacks matters at all. Avoid that if you can.
Never Calling the Callback
This is a very common concern. It's addressable in several ways with Promises.
First, nothing (not even a JS error) can prevent a Promise from notifying you of its resolution (if it's resolved). If you register both fulfillment and rejection callbacks for a Promise, and the Promise gets resolved, one of the two callbacks will always be called.
Of course, if your callbacks themselves have JS errors, you may not see the outcome you expect, but the callback will in fact have been called. We'll cover later how to be notified of an error in your callback, because even those don't get swallowed.
But what if the Promise itself never gets resolved either way? Even that is a condition that Promises provide an answer for, using a higher level abstraction called a "race":
There are more details to consider with this Promise timeout pattern, but we'll come back to it later.
Importantly, we can ensure a signal as to the outcome of foo()
, to prevent it from hanging our program indefinitely.
Calling Too Few or Too Many Times
By definition, one is the appropriate number of times for the callback to be called. The "too few" case would be zero calls, which is the same as the "never" case we just examined.
The "too many" case is easy to explain. Promises are defined so that they can only be resolved once. If for some reason the Promise creation code tries to call resolve(..)
or reject(..)
multiple times, or tries to call both, the Promise will accept only the first resolution, and will silently ignore any subsequent attempts.
Because a Promise can only be resolved once, any then(..)
registered callbacks will only ever be called once (each).
Of course, if you register the same callback more than once, (e.g., p.then(f); p.then(f);
), it'll be called as many times as it was registered. The guarantee that a response function is called only once does not prevent you from shooting yourself in the foot.
Failing to Pass Along Any Parameters/Environment
Promises can have, at most, one resolution value (fulfillment or rejection).
If you don't explicitly resolve with a value either way, the value is undefined
, as is typical in JS. But whatever the value, it will always be passed to all registered (and appropriate: fulfillment or rejection) callbacks, either now or in the future.
Something to be aware of: If you call resolve(..)
or reject(..)
with multiple parameters, all subsequent parameters beyond the first will be silently ignored. Although that might seem a violation of the guarantee we just described, it's not exactly, because it constitutes an invalid usage of the Promise mechanism. Other invalid usages of the API (such as calling resolve(..)
multiple times) are similarly protected, so the Promise behavior here is consistent (if not a tiny bit frustrating).
If you want to pass along multiple values, you must wrap them in another single value that you pass, such as an array
or an object
As for environment, functions in JS always retain their closure of the scope in which they're defined (see the Scope & Closures title of this series), so they of course would continue to have access to whatever surrounding state you provide. Of course, the same is true of callbacks-only design, so this isn't a specific augmentation of benefit from Promises -- but it's a guarantee we can rely on nonetheless.
Swallowing Any Errors/Exceptions
In the base sense, this is a restatement of the previous point. If you reject a Promise with a reason (aka error message), that value is passed to the rejection callback(s).
But there's something much bigger at play here. If at any point in the creation of a Promise, or in the observation of its resolution, a JS exception error occurs, such as a TypeError
or ReferenceError
, that exception will be caught, and it will force the Promise in question to become rejected.
For example:
The JS exception that occurs from
becomes a Promise rejection that you can catch and respond to.
This is an important detail, because it effectively solves another potential Zalgo moment, which is that errors could create a synchronous reaction whereas nonerrors would be asynchronous. Promises turn even JS exceptions into asynchronous behavior, thereby reducing the race condition chances greatly.
But what happens if a Promise is fulfilled, but there's a JS exception error during the observation (in a then(..)
registered callback)? Even those aren't lost, but you may find how they're handled a bit surprising, until you dig in a little deeper:
Wait, that makes it seem like the exception from
really did get swallowed. Never fear, it didn't. But something deeper is wrong, which is that we've failed to listen for it. The p.then(..)
call itself returns another promise, and it's that promise that will be rejected with the TypeError
Why couldn't it just call the error handler we have defined there? Seems like a logical behavior on the surface. But it would violate the fundamental principle that Promises are immutable once resolved. p
was already fulfilled to the value 42
, so it can't later be changed to a rejection just because there's an error in observing p
's resolution.
Besides the principle violation, such behavior could wreak havoc, if say there were multiple then(..)
registered callbacks on the promise p
, because some would get called and others wouldn't, and it would be very opaque as to why.
In Chapter 2, we identified two key drawbacks to expressing async flow control with callbacks:
Callback-based async doesn't fit how our brain plans out steps of a task.
Callbacks aren't trustable or composable because of inversion of control.
In Chapter 3, we detailed how Promises uninvert the inversion of control of callbacks, restoring trustability/composability.
Now we turn our attention to expressing async flow control in a sequential, synchronous-looking fashion. The "magic" that makes it possible is ES6 generators.
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